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We launched a recurring donations


During the 26 months of the project we have helped thousands of people in the Netherlands: Ukrainian women with children, elderly people (90%), political and LGBT refugees from the Russian Federation (10%). We help with food, hygiene, medicine, and other things to get settled in the Netherlands. We work with companies, getting equipment and sending it to the migrants to work and study.

The last few months we've been seeing a lot less response to requests. This is expected and understandable, but still we want to continue to help people who have nowhere else to wait for help. We want to make our work more predictable and scalable.

Now you will be able to not only help with specific requests, but also support our work with donations (and we'll take care of the rest).

How will it work? 🧐

Once a month we will publish an announcement about the collection of donations: one-offs and regular donations. And at that time we will also report on applications and cases closed thanks to the funds raised.

We will be happy if you make a regular donation. This way we can plan our work, help more people and be more transparent for you.

How to make a regular donation? 🍩

Go to your banking app, go to "Pay > Pay Anyone" Enter recipient details and amount, select the "monthly" option.

Our bank details:

Beneficiary name: Soyka NL

IBAN: NL57 ABNA 0120 7877 17


I am not ready(s) to sign up for regular donations. 🤨

That's okay!!! We'd love for you to make a one-time donation or keep taking requests in the channel and on the card. :)

In the coming weeks, we'll give you more details on how this will work and answer your main concerns and doubts.

We'd appreciate it if you could help spread the word about our foundation and donation program by forwarding this post to a chat room of friends or colleagues. Thank you! 🙏

For any questions, please contact us in the OP or the project creator Sascha ✍️


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